- Engineering related to Bridge, Culvert and Road Designs
- Utility Corridor Planning and Mapping
- Detailed Engineering Cost Estimate
- Contract Preparation, Tendering and Administration
- Construction time studies
- Control Surveys
- Site plans and general arrangements
- Single and Multi‐span Bridge Design
- Steel, Concrete and Timber Design
- Surveying
- Deactivation prescriptions
- Habitat and Land‐use Plans
- Identification and planning of tree and brush control
- Development plans
- Mainline layout, survey and design, specializing in adverse terrain and main haul routes for the resource industry
- Photogrammetric Mapping
- Forest Development and Stewardship Plans
- GIS and Safety Planning Integration
- LiDAR acquisition and Mapping
- Silviculture Prescriptions (Site Plans)
- Topographic Mapping
- Timber evaluation and reporting
- Wildfire protection planning/risk assessment