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In 2013, LHI Tutl’it Services was honored by the BC Achievement Foundation with an award for Outstanding Business Achievement. LHI was recognized in the Joint Venture Business category and was nominated by BC Hydro for the innovative solution provided for the Northwest Transmission Line. The award was presented by Minister John Rustad at the BC Aboriginal Business Awards Gala on December 5, 2013 in Vancouver.
In his acceptance speech George thanked BC Hydro for the nomination, the BC Achievement Foundation and the BC Aboriginal Business Awards for the recognition. George dedicated the award to his partner’s wives and children, acknowledging that much of the work is done out of town and is time spent away from family.
George also shared some advice for budding entrepreneurial. It is important to Respect your employees, to Recognize your employees positively and to give Responsibilities to your employees. In George’s words “it’s pretty basic, but it works”, its principles that LHI lives by.